Zip Those Lips.

…My immediate response was not to consult any human being. Galatians 1:16   Some decisions don’t require consolations…   Here’s something about the Holy Spirit:  He often sounds way better in my head. Have you ever tried to put into words a great revelation the Lord’s been teaching you?  Have you ever watched those words leave your mouth, come to a screeching halt right in front of a person’s face and, before they have a chance to connect, fall fast and furiously to the ground in front of them? They don’t get it.  They don’t see it.  And now you’re thinking you never got it and you can’t find your way back to see it either. We place a lot of emphasis on using our words.  During my time overseas I was so regularly around languages other than my own, I became very good at tuning people out.  Now that I’m living in an English speaking country again, I realize just how much people like to talk (loudly) and how careless we’ve become in doing it. And more and more I’m learning that there are times we need to, in our quiet, protect what’s happening in our heart.  Because our relationship with God is highly personal.  It’s customized to fit each of us perfectly – … Continue reading Zip Those Lips.